BPO AI Created to Combat Self-Service Fraud

The CX Automation Company has announced its newest AI tool to help combat the growing issue of self-service fraud. This BPO AI is called Verint Call Risk Scoring Bot which shall investigate and identify potential fraud cases.

So far, the results of this development have been groundbreaking as they boasted it has managed to halt multiple potential cases of self-service fraud in July 2024. With this tool, CX Automation believes it can save companies millions if it reaches its full potential.

BPO AI Stops Millions in Fraud


According to CX Automation, their new Verint Call Risk Scoring Bot has managed to block $6 million in self-service fraud in July alone. This has helped save companies a lot of time and trouble in dealing with these issues and investigating the cases themselves.

Now, this BPO AI tool is being offered to normal citizens and businesses the opportunity to collect insurance payments from the state regarding unemployment. This is one of the most common targets for fraudsters so this is where the tool was tested. 

The BPO AI tool analyzes customer data and previous behavior to detect signs that the customer might be a bot or fraudulent. While this is far from perfect, it can save companies the trouble of finding which users might be fraudulent as the system reports it for them.

“The Verint Call Risk Scoring Bot actively detects and mitigates fraud before it occurs, delivering strong and tangible AI business outcomes. The bot now enables the BPO to protect unemployment insurance payments for millions of consumers while safeguarding tens of millions of taxpayer dollars,” 

David Singer, Global Vice President.

About The BPO AI Tool


Verint is one of the top tools offered by CX Automation which is one of the most iconic BPOs in the world. They expect that many of their clients will adopt this tool, including 80 of the Fortune 100 as the BPO AI tool can help them keep their systems clean from issues like fraud.

With this press release, CX Automation has also given statements that include their expectations, views, strategies, and plans for the future of their BPO AI tool and how it might affect their systems over a while. These are meant to be forward-looking and try to plan for the future once this tool sees more widespread adoption.

These will give a realistic depiction of the BPO AI tool and what it can do so that clients and investors know what to expect. They will also be discussed in the companies earning report.

How Does the BPO Industry Benefit From This Tool?

With the creation of Verint, other major BPO players should pay close attention as this tool offers plenty of potential in what it has to offer. Fraud is a major issue across different industries and detecting it is a time-consuming process. Even BPO safety teams will struggle to find them all. Having this AI tool in their arsenal can allow for effective management.

This also benefits the clients who can be guaranteed greater security with this tool by their side. In the hands of experienced BPO workers, it can find and deal with fraud cases far more efficiently, potentially saving companies from having to pay or serve bad actors and discouraging more from trying to similar actions. 

More importantly, this tool can upskill BPO workers by providing them with another BPO AI tool that can teach workers, specifically IT workers. Even if they don’t have any experience, the tool can allow them to detect patterns and show them what to look out for.